(Techniques of Gentleness)
1. Katate Hazushi Ichi
Single hand escape one
2. Katate Hazushi Ni
Single hand escape two
3. Ryote Hazushi
Double hand escape
4. Morote Hazushi
Two hands on one escape
5. Yubi Tori Hazushi
Finger hold escape
6. Momiji Hazushi
Red maple leaf escape
7. Ryoeri Hazushi
Double lapel escape
8. Yubi Tori
Finger hold
9. Moro Yubi Tori
Multiple finger hold
10. Katate Tori
Single hand hold
11. Ryote Tori
Double hand hold
12. Tekubi Tori Ichi
Wrist hold one
13. Tekubi Tori Ni
Wrist hold two
14. Imon Tori
Lapel crossing hold
15. Ryoeri Tori
Double lapel hold
16. Akushu Kote Tori
Hand grip gauntlet hold
17. Akushu Ude Tori
Hand grip arm hold
18. Akushu Kotemaki Tori
Hand grip gauntlet winding hold
19. Kubi Nuki Tori
Neck withdrawal constriction
20. Hagai Shime
Wing pinion constriction
Nage Te
(Throwing Techniques)
1. Deashi Harai
Advancing foot sweep
2. Sasae Ashi
Propping leg
3. Okuri Harai
Sending sweep
4. Soto Gama
Outside sickle
5. Uchi Gama
Inside sickle
6. Soto Momo Harai
Outside thigh sweep
7. Uchi Momo Harai
Inside thigh sweep
8. Ogoshi
Major hip
9. Utsuri Goshi
Changing hip
10. Seoi Nage
Back carry throw
11. Ushiro Goshi
Rear hip
12. Seoi Goshi
Back carry hip
13. Tsurikomi Goshi
Lift pull hip
14. Harai Goshi
Sweeping hip
15. Hane Goshi
Springing hip
16. Uki Otoshi
Floating drop
17. Makikomi
Winding in
18. Kani Sute
Crab sacrifice throw
19. Tomoe Nage
Circle throw
20. Yama Arashi
Mountain storm
Shime Te
(Constriction Techniques)
1. Eri Gatame
Lapel hold down
2. Kata Gatame
Shoulder hold down
3. Juji Gatame
Cross mark hold down
4. Shiho Gatame
Four-sided hold down
5. Sankaku Gatame
Triangle hold down
6. Ushiro Gatame
Rear hold down
7. Namijuji Shime
Normal cross mark choke
8. Gyakujuji Shime
Reverse cross mark choke
9. Ichimonji Shime
Straight line choke
10. Tsukikomi Shime
Thrusting in choke
11. Hadaka Jime Ichi
Naked choke one
12. Hadaka Jime Ni
Naked choke two
13. Hadaka Jime San
Naked choke three
14. Dakikubi Jime
Embracing neck constriction
15. Osaegami Jime
Holding hair constriction
16. Kote Jime
Forearm constriction
17. Tenada Jime
Arm blade constriction
18. Dho Jime
Body constriction
19. Ashikarami Jime
Leg lock constriction
20. Ashinada Jime
Leg blade constriction
21. Ashiyubi Jime
Toe constriction
22. Momo Jime
Thigh press
Thigh press
23. Shikano Itsusoku Jime
Deer's one leg constriction
24. Shidare Fuji Jime
Hanging wisteria constriction
Hanging wisteria constriction
25. Tatsumaki Jime
Dragon winding (whirlwind) constriction
Oku no Te
(Deeper Techniques)
1. Deashi Hayanada
Advancing foot quick blade
2. Ogoshi Hayanada
Major hip quick blade
3. Seoi Hayanada
Back carry quick blade
4. Norimi
Riding the body
5. Sumigaeshi
Corner overturn
6. Mizukuguri
Under water dive
7. Maeyamakage
Front mountain shadow
8. Komiiri
Entering in
9. Kotegaeshi
Forearm overturn
10. Sakanuki
Reverse pull out
11. Gyakute Nage
Reverse arm throw
12. Hon Tomoe
True circle
13. Katate Tomoe
One arm circle
14. Shigarami
Arm capture
15. Gyaku Shigarami
Reverse arm capture
16. Kote Shigarami
Forearm capture
17. Koguruma
Small wheel
18. Tora Nage
Tiger throw
19. Tora Katsugi
Tiger shouldering
20. Arashi Otoshi
Storm drop
21. Hiki Otoshi
Pulling drop
22. Kine Katsugi
Mallet shouldering
23. Kin Katsugi
Testicle shouldering
24. Kazaguruma
Wind wheel
25. Jigoku Otoshi
Hell drop
Shinnin no Maki
(Scroll of heart)
1. Isami Tasuki Nage
2. Obi Hane Goshi
3. Tsurikomi Taoshi
4. Momiji Nage
5. Gyaku Hayanada
6. Hiza Nage
7. Osaekomi Gyakute Tori
8. Kobushi Shime
9. Kesa Hazushi
10. Kubi Shime Tomoe Gyakute
11. Ninin Nage
12. Gyakute Gaeshi
13. Hizaori Nage
14. Gyaku Hagai
15. Ushiro Kannuki
16. Mae Kannuki
17. Hikitate Tori Shime
18. Ude Garami
19. Ebi Shime
20. Ushiro Ebi Shime
21. Ushiro Nage
22. Gyaku Eri Shime
23. Shigarami Shime
24. Ashi Kannuki
25. Kesa Koroshi
26. Hando Shime
27. Ashi Gyaku
28. Kabe Shime
29. Ashi Karami Tori
30. Nidan Gaeshi
31. Satsuma Shime
32. Tataki Komi
33. Ushiro Nage Tori
34. Saru Shigarami
35. Sandan Gaeshi